tips and tricks to get more likes on instagram

How to Get More Likes on Instagram? Ideas, Tactics, and More

By: Nelson Grey

Getting Instagram likes in order to earn bonuses in the shape of new business prospects is a tough cookie. However, with some tricks and tactics, you can be the best Instagram influencer, brand, or company. In short, to get likes on Instagram you have to take certain measures. What are the measures in particular? How one can execute those measures? When do they materialize? How to get more Instagram followers to help in getting more likes? All these questions may help you in knowing the exactness of the plan, milestones, and tricks.

Why Get Instagram Likes?

Well, first things first, you must be aware that there are more than 2 billion monthly active users on Instagram. Most of them are there to excel in the business or brand; product and services. Customarily these people put in the effort to post pictures but don’t get the same result from the audience (receive only ten to twelve likes on the pictures). The question which you must be thinking about would be, “what are the missing elements?” or “why the pictures don’t exceed more than ten likes?” Honestly, the answer to it is based on the tricks that we were discussing.

Here, in this guide, you are about to read 30 main ideas that will give a sudden boost to your Instagram profile. These tactics are divided into several strategies, ideas, and tips – all are there to help you learn more about the art of having more likes on Instagram.

29 Ideas, Strategies, Tips, and Tricks to Get More Likes On Instagram

Enlisted below are some of the most amazing tricks, tips, and tactics to make the best number of likes on Instagram posts. Let’s check them out separately...

  • Behind the Camera Photos

Instagram is the right place to boast about your business. This helps fans to follow everything that is cooking (read as "what is happening") in the company. The reason is, it keeps followers understanding the demographics and features of the brand. Its personality, weaknesses, strengths, and most importantly “emotional synchronization” helps in developing particular mindsets. Giving a look behind the scenes through pictures is the best way to get likes on the post. 

In short, showing off in a legit way and taking them on the tour to your office could get you tons of likes. It gains popularity mainly because it is a unique way of showcasing the environment you work in, the authenticity of your product or service, and the exactness of the posts.

  • Promotion of Posts

When it comes to increasing the reach of posts, Instagram works like charm with promotional campaign posts. Since there are two types of profiles on Instagram, one is allocated to the marketing side. That side, however, is the real outset of Instagram Ads which tends to promote posts to the targeted audience. Also, these posts reach everyone, including those who don’t really follow your profile. The functionality of Instagram Ads is similar to Facebook Ads where it lets you determine the best audience reach. 

Sound strategies for the targeted audience along with powerful content will bring prospected leads without much hassle. Naturally, that is possible when posts are liked and shared by a number of Instagrammers.

  • Use Instagram Stories

Using Instagram Stories, Reels, and Threads can bring more visits to your profile. That goes on to liking some posts and ignoring others. However, updates in the form of text, photos, or videos live for exactly twenty-four hours on Stories and Threads. After this, they are removed. Reels, on the other hand, stay on your profile unless you delete them.

Moreover, this is referred to as an important feature because it gives leverage to the bogus content. New hiring and promotions, mentioning employees of the month, and discounts could be the best ways to gain more likes on your Instagram business profile. Here, you must remember that this trick also helps in getting free Instagram followers. You don’t have to opt for any promotion and the following starts organically.

  • Use of Hashtags (Local)

Remember, there are several types of hashtags. One of them is a local hashtag which means that you can reach the most prospected clients and customers living near your office/business spot. Do complete and thorough research on “top most Instagram profiles in (insert your city)” to find the leads. Use the hashtags these local businesses use to promote sales. That could give you a chance to connect with business owners and accounts that focus on the same business. In short, this could also pay back in the form of getting likes on your posts.

  • Post Videos

An Instagram feed with tons of pictures in the feed is mostly neglected and ignored. In such scenarios, videos come in handy as they attract more Instagrammers. Videos featuring how your business operations take place, a small tour, introducing new items in the line, or anything that has the probability of getting attention should be the topic of the video. Engaging content with fun and spice takes some effort to make but, in the end, comes out with an excellent turnaround. Audio shouldn’t be the focus though and videos must involve auditory senses. These tricks tend to push the user to visit your profile where they end up liking your posts.

  • Run a Contest: “Tag and Get a Giveaway”

Running content where posts of your company are liked and shared after liking could bring you more organic likes. Workaround something where entrants who share the picture and like the post will enter a lucky draw. At the end that lucky person who gets the name in the lucky draw wins a giveaway (something from the company).

  • Post Content Generated by Users

Another tactic that we have to get more likes on Instagram is based on content that is already generated by the users. Repost the already shared content which exists on your favorite Instagram celebrity. These posts get more likes as compared to your creation because they come from authentic sources, mainly from the accounts of celebrities, brands, business tycoons, etc.

 Again, if you are baffled as to how to get more Instagram followers, then the following tricks could help massively. However, if you still are not able to get a significant result, then you better opt for free Instagram followers from sites like Social Followers UK. This site helps many desperate Instagrammers to achieve their dreams to take their businesses and brands to the next level. PS: Naturally, to get free Instagram followers, you have to go through terms and conditions and other requirements.

  • Comment on Photos by Famous Profiles

In order to get engaged with new content or new profiles, the “Explore” option comes to the rescue. To find the relative content on Instagram and then be liked by the owners of such content, you have to follow industry-specific profiles. Get hooked with the posts and comments so that they in return (mostly this trick works) can follow you back. Resulting in liking and commenting on your posts too.

  • Work on Carousel Feature

Instagram has a carousel feature that allows you to share up to 10 photos or videos in a single post. This feature is useful for showcasing your products, services, stories, and tips in a more engaging way. What does this feature do? If this is your question, then you should know it is all about visual content. It showcases and displays several moments from an occasion or event. Plus, it could be shared with followers and viewers. And, it also highlights the significant moments of the business or/and brand. This trick indeed is used by fewer people which elevates the chances of being more followed, liked, and commented on the posts.

  • Filter Scheming – Consistency

In order to build an empire, you have to filter the scheme. Likewise, in Instagram too, you must filter the planning and then build a brand around it. Visual identification is a must for branding and in that, you have to maintain the same filters, color scheme, and codes. What happens when all these pointers are taken seriously? Well, likes increase because the more people follow your brand, the more the chances of getting likes on posts! Consistency of posting and coming live attracts an audience and followers.

  • Host a Takeover

Once you have partnered with an influencer, schedule the time when he will be live on your account. Moreover, make it confirm with the influencer that he has informed his followers that he will be live on your account at that specific time. In this way, the followers of your influencer will be directed to your account and your likes and followers will increase. Other than increasing the number of followers, it will build the trust of your brand among the influencer followers.

  • Use of Famous Hashtags

Using hashtags while making a post is the way to reach a large audience. At the time, it may seem that this will not work on a large scale but using the effective and right hashtags can make your account visible to large groups of people. However, they are not considered high-quality likes and followers but it is one of the great ways to increase your followers quickly. Moreover, using popular hashtags increase the credibility and worth of the account which can bring more followers in the future.

  • Go Live on Instagram

Take benefit of the “Instagram Live” feature just like the people are making their way through Facebook Live. This is one of the trendiest features that you can use to engage your followers. For this, inform your followers that you will be live at this particular time. It is recommended to get live at peak times to interact with a large community of people. You can conduct a Q&A (question and answer) session and can engage the people by answering their queries. To make sure that more people attend your live session you can announce a special offer or gifts/coupons for the live viewers.

  • Posting Pictures of Customers and Buyers

Another great way to boost up followers is to post the images of your customers and let them know how special they are to your brand. In fact, posting and tagging the person in the image will be more engaging and it will increase the credibility of your brand. This whole activity can drive a huge number of followers because now the followers of the tagged person will also see the post and they may follow you back.

  • Enter a “Like to Get a Giveaway” Contest

Conducting a contest that will also include a special prize for the winner is one of the best ways to engage with your followers. You can make a post of a contest with a caption that “Like this Image and you will get a chance to win your most demanded product”. The prize will actually motivate the people to like the image and get a chance. This is the most engaging activity that will actually work and there is the chance that your followers may invite their followers to like the image and get themselves in the contest.

  • Sharing of Posts (Other Social Media Platforms)

Make your brand more engaging and interact with followers on different social platforms. For this, you can link your Instagram account with your other social accounts like Facebook and Twitter. Once you create the post share it on your other platforms to interact with large groups of people. If you are running a blog share your Instagram account link there so visitors know that you are available on Instagram as well.

  • Ask Questions on Posts

Another trendy way to engage more people is to ask a question in the image caption. As it will urge the people to think and they may comment on their views. Through this, their followers will be able to see and they may follow you – which means it will boost your followers.

  • Be a Partner with Brands

Connecting yourself with the brand that offers a complimentary product in your niche is just like the same as you connect with your influencers. Because it will assist you to expand your market. To take some unique steps, we will collaborate with other brands and will offer special gifts, will conduct giveaways through exciting competitions, and will announce special prizes for them. Using these techniques, you will be able to engage more people which will ultimately boost likes and followers on your media.

  • High-Resolution Pictures

Using high-resolution pictures is a great key that you can use to reach more followers. At the time it might seem that it is not the big deal but surprisingly most people are not using high-quality images. For this, you don’t have to spend high bucks of dollars on DSLR as you can capture great images with the latest smartphones embedded with new technologies. Because visual things appeal more and using more elegant and amazing images can result in a greater number of Instagram likes. Cheers! You are following the right path!! Yay!! But are you able to get real and relevant Instagram followers too? We hope that you are.

  • More Following of People on Instagram

To get more followers on Instagram you have to do the same practice first. Yes, it’s quite simple and easy. Use the feed feature and find out the people who are interested in the products and brands offering a similar product like yours and share such images as well. After exploring them, follow them and find out the ways to interact with them like making detailed and informative comments on their post. Reach at least two to three accounts in a day and interact with them. It will ultimately increase your IG followers, and likes.

  • Post at Appropriate (High-Traffic) Times

Analyze the time at which more of your followers are active. Make an engaging post at the peak times and there will be more chances that your followers will like it and comment on the post. Interaction of your followers with the post can create more followers as the post will be visible to the followers of your followers. This is the way you can get more Instagram likes organically.

  • Post More Quotes

Creating highly engaging content and post for your Instagram followers is quite daunting. Therefore, we suggest searching the quotes related to your product and brand in Google following this technique “quotes about [topic]” and you will find thousands of quotes that match your brand. However, if you can create your own unique post that can attract more people then this is the ideal case. Because people love to share-worthy posts and it will boost your followers.

  • Be Consistent in Posting Posts

More content and more posts mean more likes and followers. Simple as that! Keep on creating regular posts multiple times a day and more people will like them. Similarly, explore the influencers and the people of your niche, interact with their posts and share them and there will be more chances that they will follow you back.

  • Tagging of Prominent Accounts

Sharing and creating more posts and content is the perfect strategy to get more followers. But if you want to boost this process, create engaging and interactive posts. For this, you can post quotes and images related to your brand, and product, and according to the interest of your followers. Moreover, publish them with an actionable caption that forces the followers to interact. For example, you can publish the post with the caption “Tag a Friend” or “Tag a person who comes to your mind by seeing this post”. It will create natural followers that actually worth it.

  • Be Specific about Discounts and Sales on Posts

Posting about special offers and discounts for your followers will not only help in retaining old followers but will also result in creating more new followers. For example, publish your product with the caption “Follow us and Get 30% off” or you can follow this strategy “Share our post, send us the screenshot and get a 30% discount on this product”. It will motivate the people and they will take the action that will increase your organic likes on your post.

  • Partner Yourself with an Influencer

Another great way to increase followers is to connect with an influencer and make a partnership with them. Ask them to make an engaging post with your product and publish it on their platform as well as on your account. It will help the potential people of your niche to reach you, in fact, the followers of the influencer will also start following you.

  • Work on Boomerang

Boomerang is a new and exciting way to attract people. In this, you will create a short video clip that will be based on the motivating, action-taking, or emotional script. Create a boomerang for your followers related to your niche and engage them with your brand.

  • Capitalize on Famous Posts

Keep yourself updated with the latest trends that other brands follow to engage people. It can be any meme, Facebook video, boomerang, funny post, or any other trending quotation. Share such posts along with post that depicts your brand to engage all types of followers. These engaged followers can increase your likes.

  • Tag Location and Places

Publishing your post with a location using the feature of “Tag Location” is another best way to interact with a large number of people that can be your future followers. Making a post and publishing it after tagging a location will make the post visible to the people of that area which can turn them into your followers and increase the chance of getting likes on your Instagram.

Conclusion – Last Verdict: How to Increase Likes on Instagram?

To end how to increase likes on Instagram and which strategy should be followed, we have provided 29 ideas, strategies, and techniques. These all are true sources of answering the question of how to get Instagram followers within a few months of joining Instagram for business. However, there may be more than 29 tricks. But remember that Instagram followers do not always result in sales. They are the numbers that depict your presence in the market. Make your presence worthy by engaging with followers, potential customers, and influencers as it is a give-and-take situation. The more you monetize your Instagram brand the more followers it will create.

 See Also: Here is another post to teach you everything about the Instagram username.

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